5 Reasons Why I Don’t Get Dates

We’ve all had RSI from swiping for too long…haven’t we? The world of Tinder, Bumble and all things modern dating is more than soul destroying the majority of the time.

Regardless of working in London and being a sociable soul, I never meet guys in real life (at all). Not that I have ever been particularly surprised by this, it was even less so after I broke down possible reasons why. Check them out & share if this is you, or any of your friends!

One: Friends 4 Lyf – If I am out with my friends, I am fully engrossed in their company, we like each other, we have fun, I’m never going to take notice of anyone else around me. They are my world.

Sex and the City Friends

Two: Oblivious – “We’re bro’s right?”

Fist Bump

Three: Dancing Queen – I am too busy busting out the dance routine to Lady Gaga’s Telephone. Don’t need no man for that.


Four: Wasted – Too trashed to put a 4-digit pin into a card terminal for a 7th Gin & Tonic? Definitely too trashed to put an 11-digit number in to a strangers phone.


Five: Zero Game – “He’s cute, I should go on a 30 minute tangent about frozen blueberries, we’ll bond over that.”

I Carried A Watermelon

Bitches & Butterflies

Following a spring clean, I came across a box full of old journals that I had written from the age of 8. After laughing myself to tears over various fragments of my coming of age self I couldn’t help but notice parallels to life in my now twenties. The friends, aspirations and the seemingly inevitable dormant relationship status.

Initial thought; people would find this funny.

Secondary thoughts; I was a bit of a bitch, maybe they wouldn’t.

But at the end of the day it is all what got me to where and who I am today. To get a little hippy on ya, it’s all been a part of a transformation. Like caterpillars becoming butterflies. And don’t get me wrong, I’m no butterfly. More like a withered cocoon.

So my goal with this blog is to share my past, present & future to explore what has been & what could be, hopefully with a lot of laughs in between.

Will I share this post, perhaps another two or three and then forget the blog even exists? Possibly. Probably. But for now it is means to pass the time.

Keep in touch.